+43 4852 64444 · info@hoteltraube.at
traditionelles Mobiliar (Rezeptionsbereich) ©Vergeiner's Hotel Traube
ruhiges Zimmer - Traube Exklusiv ©Martin Lugger
Pizza ©Free Photos (Pixabay)
Pool mit Panoramablick ©Vergeiner's Hotel Traube
Sonnenaufgangstour ©Eder Philip (TVB Osttirol)


At our sun-flowed breakfast room with terrace you can start your beautiful day in Lienz. We serve an East Tyrol breakfast with specialities of regional agriculture.

Start with a stunning view

Have a look at our buffet with Mueslicorner, juice bar and fresh bread from the bakery Joast. The view over the mainsquare of Lienz and the dolomites of Lienz will inspire you for some activities. We would like to give you some suggestions.

Enjoy at our traditional hotel some specialities of coffee from our neighbours of the south. Espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato come from a roasting house in Triest "Caffè Hausbrandt". If you would like, we can serve breakfast until 10 o'clock also to your room.

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